Far Infrared Sauna

Far Infrared Sauna, Platinum Wellness and Weight Loss

At Platinum Wellness we use far infrared sauna for a variety of reasons. The benefits of far infrared sauna include detoxifying the body, aiding in weight loss, reducing inflammation (muscle aches and joint pain) and even helping with diabetes and cellulite!

Unfortunately, Americans are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals on a daily basis. A recent study shows the average American has somewhere between 400 and 800 toxins in a single fat cell! These toxins come from things like personal care products, cleaning products, etc.

Toxins in our system can compete with or mimic hormones causing hormone imbalances, weight gain, inflammation, cancer, to name a few!

It’s been said the average American household contains approximately 50,000 different chemicals!


Do Saunas Help Burn Fat?

Our bodies simply weren’t designed to be exposed to these toxins. Whatever we can’t eliminate, we store in fat cells. The problem is, our bodies try to keep these toxins diluted by storing extra fat in a fat cell. This is one of the reasons why so many Americans are overweight!

“Far Infrared Sauna technology is the only proven, most efficacious way of getting rid of stored toxins. It pulls chemicals out of stored fat directly into sweat. I’m convinced everyone should use F.I.R.S. to restore health.”-Sherry Rodgers, MD

How Does a Far Infrared Sauna Work?

A quality far infrared sauna will penetrate 2 inches under the skin, opening pores on fat cells which allows both toxins and fat to ‘leak’ out. The number of calories burned in a far infrared sauna can be as many as 600 – 800 in 30 minutes! The toxins can then be eliminated. It is important to take binding supplements which help our bodies eliminate them better. By the way, cellulite is basically toxins trapped under the skin. Far infrared saunas break down cellulite by detoxifying the body.

How Do Saunas Cleanse for Weight Loss?

The challenge for so many people is they work hard to burn fat without cleansing toxins which makes it so much harder to lose weight. Even if you could lose fat, if you don’t detoxify at the same time your body will try to put fat back in a fat cell to dilute the toxins that were left behind. This is called the rebound effect- where you lose 10 lbs. and gain back 12 the next month!

We recommend saunas in many of our programs to rid the body of toxins and fat once and for all! Not to mention, the Journal of the American Medical Association also mentioned the benefits of a far infrared sauna for detoxing and burning calories.

Do Saunas Provide Benefits for Heart Disease?

The benefits of far infrared saunas for cardiovascular disease has been shown in dozens of studies. Saunas can lower blood pressure and actually reverse the signs of heart disease. The University of British Columbia in Vancouver showed infrared sauna therapy helps keep blood pressure and cholesterol normal, and reduces chronic pain.

“Far Infrared Sauna has the ability to systematically eliminate internal chemical and heavy metal toxins, including mercury. This will lower the total toxic environmental load that suppresses biological function, longevity, and, ultimately, human potential.” – Jake Johnston, MD

Do Saunas Decrease Pain and Inflammation?

Virtually every disease we suffer from is caused by or linked to inflammation in some way. So do saunas have an anti-inflammatory benefit? Yes. Saunas tend to help virtually every chronic disease including autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia and general aches and pains. Far infrared sauna therapy decreases inflammatory markers in the blood such as CRP and have been shown to improve inflammatory markers in autoimmune diseases.

Do Saunas Help Brain Fog?

Far infrared saunas have been found to improve mood and symptoms of depression and anxiety. They do this by producing a release of endorphins and decreasing cortisol (our stress and fat storage hormone). Saunas have also been shown to drastically reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Do Saunas Boost Your Immune System?

As the saunas wavelength of light penetrates the body, it increases body temperature mimicking a fever. Fever is the body’s way to accelerate immune response. In addition to boosting immune response saunas eliminates toxins through sweat which increases resistance to disease.

In summary, Infrared saunas can help with:

  • Detoxifying Fat Cells
  • Reducing Stress
  • Arthritis Pain, and Joint / Muscle relief
  • Burning Fat / Increasing Metabolism
  • Boosting Immune system
  • Skin Problems
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Cellulite
  • Blood Sugar Regulation

Like to come in and try our saunas? Schedule a one-time session for $50 and receive a complimentary consultation with Dr. Infantino ($150 value).
Click below to schedule or call 602-866-8100.


Far Infrared Sauna, Platinum Wellness and Weight LossFar Infrared Sauna, Platinum Wellness and Weight LossFar Infrared Sauna, Platinum Wellness and Weight Loss

4727 E. Union Hills Dr. #100

Phoenix, AZ 85050

Office: 602-866-8100



Far Infrared Sauna, Platinum Wellness and Weight Loss