Module 2- Program Overview
This video includes calorie basics, water requirements, why journaling is important, sleep, supplements, detox basics and a whole lot more!
Hey there and welcome to your program overview, Dr. Infantino here. And what I’m going to do today is give you sort of the big picture of the entire program. Along with lots of frequently asked questions in a separate video, one of our coaches is going to go through kind of the book play by play, like really step by step, diving into more detail. But what I’m going to cover are things like how many calories you should get from basic sources, and how much water should you drink? How to take your supplements, how much sleep do you need when to go to sleep, something called a healing crisis that you may experience. We’ll talk a little bit about detoxifying the body, exercise, et cetera. So let’s dive into it. Number one, how many calories in general, this will vary from person to person, but a good rule of thumb, women about 1100, men about 1200.
Now, if you’re adding exercise to that, which at some point in your program, you will, you can certainly add calories. In fact, you’ll need to. So it does vary with activity. Your coach will go over specifics of that with you during your onboarding call. One of the questions I get a lot though, is why to track calories in the first place. Basically it helps us help you. For instance, let’s say you’re cruising along, losing five pounds a week. And all of a sudden it stops. Well, we don’t know, are you’re eating too much, too little. How do we tweak it? What do we need to do next? We’ve had any data. It’s pretty much just a guess. And I don’t like guessing. I like to know for sure. The next one is water. Why and how much and what kinds, all the questions about water. The basic rule of thumb with water is pretty simple.
Half your body weight in ounces, distilled would be ideal. AO is okay. The reason you’re drinking as much water as you are, is it helps flush and cleanse toxins from the system. So my suggestion, grab a jug, fill it up, work on it throughout the day so that you know, and you don’t guess very often people are like, well, I’m pretty sure I’m getting a gallon and they actually measure it. And it’s nowhere close. So don’t let that happen. It’s really important. Another important category is sleep. If you’re not sleeping well right now, it will improve. However, you’re shooting for eight hours. It’s important to try to get to bed by 10:00 PM. I can just hear some of you going. That’s almost impossible. Well, here’s why you should. And then you can decide you should create a powerful fat burning hormone called growth hormone between 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM.
Roughly don’t ask me exactly how your body knows what time it is. It does. It has to do with something called circadian rhythm. You don’t have to remember any of that, but get in bed by 10:00 PM, if at all possible, and you will burn more fat growth hormone. It is also powerful for helping you repair, heal, rebuild all the things we’re working on during this program. So that’s really important. The next thing supplements definitely starts slow on day one. You’re taking one supplement on the next day. I would suggest making sure you take them with meals. So eat breakfast. It could be a couple of scrambled eggs. It could even be the shake and then take a couple supplements. Wait an hour or so, take a couple more just to make sure everything’s going well. If you get nauseous, just stop really simple. Um, also I would put supplements in baggies.😊
See a lot of the days are exactly the same, like day two through eight, for instance, same supplements am and PM. Now this may be changed by your coach, but in general, it’s pretty safe to make some baggies ahead of time. So if you’re running out the door in the morning, you don’t have to open up every single bottle. You just grab your am. Baggy, drink a shake, take the supplements. Even when you get to work it is just fine. By the way, these supplements are super safe. But again, if you feel nauseous or anything’s kind of bugging, you just stop taking them. They’re all just food grade herbs that are combined by a master herbalist up in Utah. She’s amazing and knows what she’s doing. We’ve used them for years and years. The next thing we’re going to talk about is some called a healing crisis.
Healing crisis simply means what is your body going through? As it tries to purge all this stuff, it doesn’t need to heal, cleanse detox. Well, the most common thing is probably fatigue. All right, your body’s using your energy to heal. You don’t have a whole lot of extra available for running marathons, et cetera. So listen to your body. If at all possible, just try to rest, take it easy. Um, bowel movements or bowel regularities, kind of common, again, just text or call your coach or myself will certainly tell you what to do and how to tweak those headaches. That’s all pretty normal. There’s a section in the book called the healing crisis. Um, just look at that for other thoughts on what are some possible symptoms, um, while not pleasant, it’s a normal part of the process. Next we’ll talk about detox, right? So what does detox really mean?
Basically, you’re going to be using lemons and maple syrup. And what we’re trying to do in a nutshell is mimic what we went through during history. In other words, a thousand years ago, you might kill a deer and eat it. And then what happens? It might be two or three days before you eat again. And during that time, your gut is literally cleaning out that line and rebooting and healing. So the idea here is giving your gut a break so that your liver, your gut, the lining can all get cleanse. Um, the detox bottle is simple. You fill it to the first line with fresh squeezed lemons, and then to the second line with maple syrup and you can see it in the diagram there. Um, the challenge for a lot of people is squeezing the lemons, et cetera. I would suggest squeezing a bunch of them at once, squeeze it into the bottle and then measure that by pouring.
Once you do it to the line on the bottle, pour it into a little Ziploc bag and freeze it in a block. So then you have a bunch of them ready to go, right? So you might have like 10 of those blocks or so five days of detox, two bottles a day. That’s kind of the key to the whole thing to make life just simple. And we’re all about as simple as possible veggie days. What are they all about? There’s prep days and transition days. This is simply getting your body ready for the detox process. You don’t want the last thing in your gut to be, um, you know, Turkey or chicken or heavy grains. So for a couple of days before your detox, when you’re doing the liquid drink and a couple of days after I’m going to ask you to get most of your calories from vegetable sources and healthy fats.
So during those days you could also use the shake. You might use more salad, dressings, salads, um, avocados, just do your best to get calories in. And your coach will go over more of this in the video that you’ll watch next coffee. I should bring this up. If you’re drinking coffee and or caffeine from other sources on a regular basis, realize your brain is wired for that. I would suggest lean off it slowly to avoid that headache, right? I call it the 25% rule. That basically means however much you drink and today drink 25% less tomorrow, 25% less the next day. So for instance, if you’re drinking two cups today, maybe a cup and a half, even for a day or two, then it might be a cup for a day or two, and it might be half a cup for a day or two.
That’ll just help. You can also substitute naturally, um, caffeine, free tea and organic. Uh, again, we’ll talk more about that in the book and everything I’m going through here is written in there. Fruit is out for the beginning. Now I understand fruit is good for you, but it’s also very high in sugar. And so for a couple of reasons, we’re going to leave it off. The first one, being sugar spikes, um, basically your blood sugar, which is, uh, is going to increase fat stores, which most people on this program don’t want to do. It also feeds everything bad in the gut. So what we do is we’ll test when you’re ready for fruit. Now, for some people, it may be never like if you’re just trying to lose weight, um, I would highly recommend just don’t even put fruit back in during the program. If you’re like, look, weight loss isn’t my goal.
And I want to see if my gut’s ready, then your coach will say, Hey, have a handful of blueberries or something and see how you feel if you feel gassy, bloaty, et cetera out, it goes. But again, when you add back fruit, if at all it is really just dependent on what your program goals are, the next one, protein, is pretty simple. Again, these next few slides, I’m going to go through healthy proteins, carbs, processed grains, or non processed grains, et cetera. It’s all listed in the book, but a quick overview, clean proteins, chicken, Turkey, fish, eggs. You know, people ask sometimes how many grams, I would say 25% or so of your calories. There’s no exact rule. Maybe 50 grams a day would be fine. If you’re working out hard later, you can certainly increase that. I wouldn’t worry about measuring it. It’s just too complicated. Just think two to three servings a day of some of the things above would be perfect.
Healthy carbs are non-processed carbs. So things like brown rice, wild rice, lentils, quinoa, all great. I will ask you to avoid things like potatoes and corn and fruits and anything that becomes sugar in the gut quickly. So no processed grains, processed grains are things like bread, pasta tortillas. The problem with them is they spike blood sugar and they feed yeast. Everything is bad in the gut. Next is healthy fats, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter from a grass fed cow. All good stuff, have at it. Enjoy, have as much as you want. You can use things to fry on your meats, et cetera in it. Um, so enjoy, fat is not the enemy. It’s your friend. Um, one thing people ask a lot is beans. Why can’t you have any beans, beans aren’t bad for you. They, again, are just difficult to digest. And we really don’t want to be spending time eating things that are hard to digest, especially when cleansing and healing.
The gut’s main job. You have to realize beans are basically seeds and they’re coded the way they are so that they can get through the digestive system from animals. Right? So the animal eats the seed, passes through the digestive system, the animal poops, somewhere in the woods, the new plant grows. So think of it that way. They’re just hard to digest and they’re built that way for a reason. So we want to avoid them. So how about some simple meals to get started? Cause sometimes people hear all this and I’m like, oh my gosh, where do I even begin? Well, if you can boil an egg, you can get started with hard-boiled eggs, um, different soup, right? You can take a chicken, throw in a pot of water and just make chicken soup, throw every vegetable you can think of in there. Um, you can boil the quinoa there itself.
I’m also a big fan of grilling chicken. So like I grill on the weekends and then we take that same chicken and might strip it, put it into an omelet. We might put it into a bowl, put it on top of the salad, lots of different options, same thing with ground Turkey and maybe tomato sauce. We make it like a meat sauce. I’m a big fan of bowls. Also, There’s a section in the book where we mix and match veggies of base. You can put salsa on it. You can put soy sauce on it. You can put salad dressing on it. Um, and then there’s like meals on the run. Like what do I do if I’m out and about? Well, again, hormonal eggs are great. I mean, these days you can go into trader Joe’s on the run and just, uh, go in and grab a couple of hard boiled eggs in a package.
You can get one of those little salads that are pre-made and just use your bread dressing packets. I’m a big fan of Tessa Mae. They are actually on Amazon and you can get their packets pre-made, throw it in a bag or a purse, a backpack, take it with you. So you can go into a Safeway or any grocery store and get a salad. And a bowl is pre-made. Usually they come with dressing, just pull out that dressing and substitute this one, or you could use vinegar and oil, et cetera. Another simple, easy meal is a shake on the run, right? So I usually have two scoops of shake sitting in a shaker cup. I just add water or there are times when I don’t have a shaker cup and I have one, it may be one of those packets. I’ll just find a water bottle, you know, go into any convenience store, get a water bottle.
I use a sheet of paper as a funnel, as silly as that sounds. And I pour two scoops of shake right into that water bottle. After I drink a little bit of it. So there’s room, shake it up and down. It is another cool meal on the run or snack. Maybe this fits under the next slides category to are Epic bars. I think bars are basically meat bars. When I first heard that I got to admit I was a little grossed out, but having tried them and lived on them since I think they’re awesome. The salmon and chicken in particular, some of the bars, be careful. They do contain fruit in them. So just read the label, find the ones that look like you. Like they’re actually really good. Some other cool snacks are things like, I mean, this is going to sound silly, but things like pickles.
I mean, I like pickles. If you read the average pickle though, you’ll see, it’s got all sorts of colors and preservatives. So just get a good clean one and try to avoid bread and butter pickles because they’re just so can sugar. Basically. I also like artichoke hearts and kale chips, um, hard boiled eggs, again, the Epic bars, jerky, things like guacamole and salsa. Most of this stuff you can get at Costco. There’s a list that, um, in your book and or you will get it, you know, and I’ll just include it next to the slide here. So just download that PDF so you can kind of see them all. Um, another question we get a lot is exercise. Like what do I do in the beginning? Nothing. Your body’s going to need every ounce of energy to cleanse and heal and detox. So if you want to go for a walk sure, but don’t try running up the side of Camelback mountain or anything at least not yet.
So call it minimal to start. Um, at about the three week point, most people are ready to start doing some exercise, which obviously is going to help burn fat and do lots of other great things. So there’s a section in the book that talks about high intensity interval training. I’m a huge fan. It helps ramp up different hormones to burn fat for literally days after you do this type of exercise. But again, check with your coach. It’s probably at least three weeks in before. You’re really cleared for that. Another question I get a lot is cheating. There are no cheat days, explanation points. I know that sounds brutal. And I mean, but why, it has nothing to do with calories, right? It has everything to do with if you’re feeding bad stuff in the gut, uh, bad things happen, right? Because if you give yeast and some of these bad guys, the food they’re looking for, as we’re trying to heal all this, now what happens?